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The Bright Balloon

Nov 29, 2022

I love automation and figuring out ways that technology can save me time. I would actually estimate that the mix of platforms I'll be telling you about in this episode save me 5 hours of work a week!

It can definitely be a process to implement some of these, but knowing what kind of freedom is at the end of it really...

Nov 22, 2022

Chase and Alex from Premium Conwin come on the show for this episode to talk about how their two companies joined forces for the better of the balloon industry.


Their support at some of our biggest events has been simply incredible and I can't wait to see and experience what's ahead thanks to their merger. For so...

Nov 15, 2022

I've been getting a lot of messages lately about balloon drops, so I thought I would dedicate a whole episode to share some of my thoughts and experiences with them! 


They're so much different from regular decor because they have to actually function and entertain your customers. And that can make them really...

Nov 8, 2022

Personally, I've had awesome luck running a home-based business, but I know that can't and won't always be the case. Jamie comes on the show for this episode to tell us all about her new shop, including special considerations she took in the process of getting it.


It was so fun to hear Jamie's business story again....

Nov 3, 2022

Here's another overview of what we've been learning about over in the Bright Balloon Book Club!

Last month, we read through Business Made Simple by Donald Miller and I have a few takeaways that I'll share in this bonus episode.


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